Author Archives: Cam Shea

  • Murder at Castle Nathria – Hearthstone Card Reveal!

    The next Hearthstone set is hitting the game on August 2nd (August 3 in ANZ), and will add 135 new cards, not to mention an air of mystery. With a central whodunnit, complete with a character called Murloc Holmes on the case, Murder at Castle Nathria is shaping up to be a lot of fun. In addition to ten legendary “suspects” (one for each class), it introduces a new card type: locations. Location cards are played to the board and can then be activated a set number of times, with a turn off between each activation. It’s all very Cluedo-esque. Alongside this is a new keyword: infuse. Cards with infuse are powered up when a certain number of friendly minions die while they’re in hand. You can see examples of all these new additions in the gallery below.

    Today we’re revealing a brand new Warrior legendary card from Murder at Castle Nathria and it’s unlike anything Hearthstone has ever seen before. Introducing Remornia, Living Blade:

    Yes, this card starts as a minion then swaps to a weapon after attacking, which can also attack immediately… and back and forth it can potentially go! It’s an intriguing effect, capable of picking apart boards of small to medium-sized minions. Check it out:

    Quite what role Remornia will play in the new meta remains to be seen. Warrior is currently quite weak (having had a host of its key cards nerfed relatively recently), but that will almost certainly change once Murder at Castle Nathria is released. Remornia will offer versatile removal for the class – albeit at the cost of some health or armour – and there’s plenty of synergy potential: anything that can buff weapons or minions, or that triggers on attacks could work well with it. We’ll start to see what’s possible as more cards are revealed.

    I also love how Remornia fits into the set’s lore. Here’s a blurb from the Hearthstone team: “Every warrior is only as strong as their blade. Luckily for Sire Denathrius, his blade is Remornia. This sentient sword wants nothing more than to hack and slash away at the enemies of her wielder until all that’s left is the red of their sins. There are many reasons why it is advised to stay on the Sire’s good side, and Remornia is about a third of them.”

    Sire Denathrius, incidentally, is the set’s murder victim… and also a pretty sweet-looking new card:

    And if you log in to Hearthstone now, you’ll get Prince Renathal (above on the right) to play with straight away! You can find out more about the set and pre-order bundles at the official site, as well as checking out all the cards that have been revealed so far. See you in the tavern!

    Cam Shea has worked at IGN since before the before times, and has played more Breath of the Wild than just about any other game. When he’s not playing games he’s mixing records.

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    See a Powerful New Zombie Enchantment For Magic: The Gathering’s Crimson Vow Set

    The next Magic: The Gathering set, Crimson Vow, is launching on MTG Arena on November 11 in the U.S. (Nov 12 in ANZ), with the physical edition available in game stores globally on November 19 (with prerelease on Nov 12). It takes players back to the gothic horror-infused setting of Innistrad. Where the last set, Midnight Hunt – which also took place on this plane – was themed around Werewolves, and introduced a cool day/night system, Crimson Vow has Vampires as its central focus, including a number of cards inspired by the one and only Dracula.

    Of course, that’s all well and good, but classic horror is more than just Werewolves and Vampires, and today we have a new card to reveal that will help elevate one of the other monstrous creature types that was present in Midnight Hunt and is now being expanded upon for Crimson Vow – Zombies. That card is Necroduality:

    Anyone who has dabbled with the many variations of Dimir (blue/black) Zombies decks (such as this one) over the last couple of months would know that Zombies already have the potential to really snowball, and this enchantment represents a great way to double down on that, or to help swing the board back later in a game.

    “Necroduality is one of my favorite types of cards in Magic,” Product Architect Mike Turian told me. “A card that you pick up and once you read it, the card makes you go back and reevaluate a whole class of cards to find the perfect ones to best take advantage of. In this case, with Necroduality creating a copy of each nontoken Zombie that enters the battlefield under your control, this changes the impact of every Zombie creature, reanimation spell, and cards that alter creature types in Magic. That is a lot of awesome cards to combo Necroduality with! Crimson Vow has a nice number of Zombie creatures that immediately get better. When you consider that many of the Zombies have Exploit and other powerful sacrifice effects, Necroduality will provide good fodder of creatures and powerful combos! I don’t want to spoil all of the fun our players are going to have but I bet they will be starting their own zombie apocalypse in no time!”

    I also asked Mike about how the team approached the task of following on from Midnight Hunt while also standing apart. “Midnight Hunt was such a great set and our players loved coming back to Innistrad,” he said. “We knew that the fan favorite plane of Innistrad was going to be a hit once again so with Crimson Vow, we were looking to bring in pieces of Midnight Hunt while also innovating and making Crimson Vow its own set. The switch of focus from Werewolves towards Vampires is one way that we were able to both continue what was awesome about Midnight Hunt while giving Crimson Vow space.

    “Another way we set the sets apart is by introducing some new gameplay mechanics that weren’t available in Midnight Hunt. For instance, Cleave opens up brand new space in how you think about casting a spell. The introduction of Blood tokens for Vampires to feast upon let us have Vampires do something completely new and different as well!” You can read all about those new mechanics here. And you can see the cards that have been revealed so far here.

    Crimson Vow is shaping up to be a fun return visit to Innistrad, so be sure to see what this Vampire-filled collection of cards have to offer on the official website.

    Cam Shea has worked at IGN since the before times, has played more Breath of the Wild than just about any other game and writes about CCGs regularly. He’s not really on Twitter.

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    Suda51’s Studio Grasshopper Manufacture Announces NetEase Games Acquisition

    Grasshopper Manufacture, the studio headed by No More Heroes creator Goichi Suda (Suda51), has announced that it has become a subsidiary of China’s gigantic publisher NetEase Games under a share transfer agreement active on May 31, 2021.

    “Grasshopper Manufacture celebrated its 23rd anniversary in March this year,” said Suda in a comment alongside the announcement. “Our studio is made up of a diverse staff with a variety of backgrounds and personalities, all of whom love video games. As I thought about the strengths and peculiarities of our company, I could see a new future for our way of creative production.

    I could see a new future for our way of creative production.

    “NetEase Games has released many fantastic games, and I have heard for a long time about their strong reputation. When NetEase Games presented the opportunity to work on unique consumer games together, I came to the conclusion that by working together, we can deliver even more powerful and creative titles to our audience.

    “In addition, NetEase Games is a reliable partner that understands and supports our strengths. They will give us support on the management side and fund our game development, but the planning and production of our games will be left entirely up to us. This means we can guarantee a consistent ‘Grasshopper Manufacture style’ and quality of our games. In addition, we will receive valuable support from thousands of NetEase Games artists and technical staff in areas such as graphics support and QA. Our goal is to make the most of these resources and deliver three more quintessential Grasshopper Manufacture games in the next 10 years.

    “Please look forward to the history this new Grasshopper Manufacture will create in the future.”

    For fans concerned that joining the giant Chinese publisher NetEase will mean Grasshopper is relegated to making mobile games, the phrase “consumer games” in Suda’s comment is usually used in Japan to mean games for console and/or PC.

    Suda also said that the studio is recruiting now for a wide range of positions. Anyone interested in applying should visit Grasshopper Manufacture’s website for more details.

    NetEase Games also delivered a statement to praise Suda and Grasshopper’s “strong style”, “clear design philosophy” and “unique taste from concept to fine details”.

    The publisher, which currently has over 10,000 developers, also said that this acquisition should be seen as a message to top game developers in Japan and the rest of the world that the company is keen to keep investing in the quality and appeal of its games.

    NetEase has been strongly rumoured to be in negotiations with Yakuza series creator Toshihiro Nagoshi, who recently fuelled speculation when he parted from his high-profile role at Sega. The idea of two such radically different developers as Suda and Nagoshi as loose colleagues under the NetEase umbrella is certainly interesting.

    Grasshopper Manufacture’s most recent game was No More Heroes III for Nintendo Switch. You can read IGN’s full review here.

    Daniel Robson is Chief Editor at IGN Japan. No guessing which game inspired his Twitter handle, @NoMoreDaniels

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    Hearthstone’s New Mercenaries Mode Is Inspired By Classic JRPGs

    Activision Blizzard is currently facing serious ongoing allegations of harassment and mistreatment of marginalized workers. To learn more, please visit our timeline as well as our in-depth report on the subject.

    Hearthstone has changed a lot over the last few years. The development team’s approach to the core game has become much more dynamic – they’ve added a tenth class and a free, rotating core set of cards, for one, and they’ve been hugely proactive in keeping the meta game as fresh and balanced as possible, whether that’s through regular balance patches or the introduction of mini-sets between every major expansion release. Hearthstone has also evolved as a platform, thanks to the introduction of brand new ways to play, such as the wildly successful Battlegrounds, the over-the-top deck-building fun of Duels, and – as of today – Mercenaries mode.

    Mercenaries is another step towards broadening what Hearthstone can be, and in attracting a new audience. This time by coming up with a new play experience that takes inspiration from sources as varied as classic JRPGs like Pokemon and Final Fantasy, and modern roguelikes such as Slay the Spire. “We looked at – what are approachable types of strategy gameplay that we could represent in our game?” says Production Director Nathan Lyons-Smith, “And what are some other areas where we think we’re missing in Hearthstone? We, of course, have collecting… [but] we didn’t have a lot of progression mechanics and certainly nothing related to progressing cards themselves or progressing characters yourself.”

    This aspect of Mercenaries is radically different from anything else in Hearthstone. There are 51 mercenaries to collect at launch – including the Lord of Terror, Diablo! – and each starts at level 1. This represents that mercenary’s most basic form – its lowest attack and health, its fewest abilities. XP is earnt by using that character as part of your six merc party in PVE or PVP, and as it levels up it gains more attack and health and unlocks new abilities and equipment that can be used in combat. Abilities and equipment are also able to be significantly upgraded. (You can see all the mercs and their gear here.)

    “Character progression is huge. It’s very, very core to the Mercenaries mode and something that we thought about very early on,” adds Game Designer Joe Killion. “I mean, in standard Hearthstone, you play Varian Wrynn and you have that [big] moment. And then he gets hit by a minion and dies the next turn. And I’m like, ‘my cool character has gone!’ And so, in Mercenaries you get to play with Varian Wrynn and have him be part of your core team, level up of all his abilities and everything… this just adds a lot more gameplay in that PVE space with a lot of new depth. People who might not be interested in spending time building a deck can jump in and have that cool experience with the characters that they collected.”

    Anyone who has played a JRPG would instantly recognise this aspect of Mercenaries, but on top of character progression there’s a far more direct link to one particular genre mainstay – Pokemon. Simply put, if the idea that fire types (red) beat grass types (green), that grass types beat water types (blue), and that water types beat fire types is ingrained in your brain, you’ll be right at home here. In Mercenaries, every character is either a protector (red), a fighter (green) or a caster (blue), and when damage is dealt in battle, protectors do double damage to fighters, who do double damage to casters, who do double damage to protectors. As Game Director Ben Lee joked during the hands-on briefing, the system is “super effective”.

    When damage is dealt in battle, protectors do double damage to fighters, who do double damage to casters, who do double damage to protectors.

    This rock, paper, scissors-style mechanic is an interesting wrinkle atop an already-interesting combat system. Combat in Mercenaries sees three members of your six strong squad face off against three members of the opponent’s at any one time. Battles are turn-based, and each turn sees both sides choosing an ability for each of their three deployed mercenaries. These actions be anything from directly attacking or dealing damage with spells through to buffing, debuffing, healing and so on.

    Each action has a speed and this determines the order that actions play out each round, with ties decided randomly. In PVE you can actually see the ability each opposing mercenary will be using as well as its speed, which means you can try to, say, queue up a kill on a big threat before it is actually able to act. In PVP meanwhile, both players select their abilities in the same way, but you don’t know what the opposing characters are going to be doing and when they’re going to be doing it. It becomes a game of knowing their capabilities and guessing what they’re likely to try and do.

    Parties in Mercenaries can be highly synergistic, thanks in part to leaning into abilities focused around spell schools, which allow players to build, say, a frost strategy with Jaina Proudmoore at its heart. Another of its not-so-secret weapons, however, is an expanded roster of tribes in the mode. Hearthstone players are, of course, familiar with minions that fall into categories like demons, beasts, dragons, murlocs and so on, but Mercenaries expands these out to include orcs, humans, dwarves, elves, taurens and more. Each category has its own opportunities for tribal synergy, so exploring all the possibilities on offer here will be a big part of the fun.

    “The new tribes came on pretty early [in development],” Killion explains, “and it was very fun trying to figure out, like, what makes orcs cool. We landed on them being this really buff-heavy, aggressive, attacking kind of composition. And then humans, they’re also doing some buff stuff, but they’re a lot more on the defensive side – they’re doing a lot of heals and health buffs, so they’re much more about sustain.

    “We’ve done a ton of iteration on the concepts that we take from traditional Hearthstone and bringing them in,” he continues. “I think [the keyword] Deathblow is a good example of that. That actually started as [existing Hearthstone keyword] Overkill. And we played with Overkill for the longest time, but we just kept running into those spots where it was like, ‘I did the cool thing, and I killed them, but I didn’t do, like, one extra or two extra damage to get that [Overkill effect]’. And so Deathblow became this much more natural way for things to occur in Mercenaries.”

    Bounty Hunting

    PVE is very much the backbone of Mercenaries’ progression system, giving players a host of procedurally generated “bounties” to work through in a variety of different iconic Azeroth locales. Each bounty is like a super truncated Slay the Spire run. You start at the bottom of a map and choose from a handful of branching paths on the way to the boss encounter. After each battle you can choose a treasure for one of your mercenaries – these can be bonus active abilities or passive perks – allowing you to modify your strategy as you go. In addition to battles, each bounty map will typically have at least a couple of other encounter types, including the option to randomly resurrect one of your dead mercenaries. Yes, if a mercenary falls during a battle they stay dead, meaning you’re going to have a tough time if you lose multiple mercs on your way to the boss. Thankfully, any surviving mercenaries at the end of each battle fully heal up in preparation for the next.

    Doing bounties is the main way to get XP for your mercenaries, as well as to earn coins that can be spent to level up their abilities and equipment. Each mercenary has a specific coin to collect, and part of upgrading your characters in this game is taking on bounties that reward the coins you’re after, as well as using characters you want to upgrade so that you’re likely to earn their coins. As a system, this coin-based progression is totally reasonable, but how much you want to engage with it will very much depend on how interested you are in grinding bounties.

    Doing bounties is the main way to get XP for your mercenaries, as well as to earn coins that can be spent to level up their abilities and equipment.

    From my limited hands-on before release, I found the core gameplay pretty engaging. There’s a lot of depth to be found here in using synergistic abilities and finding ways to shut down your opponent’s strategy, and this depth only grows as you unlock more options. That said, the bounty runs feel extremely short – I’d have liked a longer journey with more branching paths and more non-combat encounters. This is particularly relevant for the treasures, as you rarely have long to actually enjoy getting a strong treasure or combination of treasures. There are also a few UI elements that need to be added, like ensuring you can see a merc’s existing abilities when choosing a treasure, or being able to highlight which characters are Alliance and which are Horde, when deciding whether to choose a faction-based buff. That said, PVE is starting out in good shape.

    PVP promises to be robust too, and one of the biggest focuses for the team here has been matchmaking. After all, for PVP to be fun, players want to find a fair match – a winnable match – where they’re not outclassed by someone who has simply been grinding for longer. The end result is the most complicated matchmaking system Hearthstone has ever had; it takes a large number of variables into account. “It goes into what are the characters you’ve brought? What are the level of skills they have? What’s the equipment you brought, what level of equipment it is, then what XP level your characters are at,” Lyons-Smith tells me.

    “And it also even looks at the alignment types that you brought. For example, it would be a really bad match if you brought all casters and then your opponent brought all fighters… that’s a pretty boring match actually. And so we want to make sure that we’re giving you a really fair and interesting match. We hope that will help ease players into PVP. And we’ve also put in a system where if you queue in PVP and we don’t find a good match for you, we’re going to make an AI team that is fair for you to play against so that you can get a match in. And then, as the top players get through and level up their mercs they’re going to be matching against each other, and there’s a leaderboard to see who’s the best Mercenaries PVP player.”

    Fee to Pay?

    Of course, one of the biggest questions the Hearthstone community has had about Mercenaries in the lead-up to its launch is – how much will it realistically cost to play? Nathan Lyons-Smith has an unequivocal answer. “It’s super important that free-to-play be a viable path to players in Hearthstone,” he says. “And we think we’ve absolutely hit on that with Mercenaries. Everything is obtainable completely free-to-play. We give you a very powerful team to start, like, a very powerful team – that Cariel and Xyrella combo can carry you through all of the bounties… and I know, cause I’ve done just that with that group.

    “You’re getting eight free mercenaries at the start just for completing the introductory missions,” he continues, “more than enough to create a party to carry you through all the bounties – playing through them, beating them, having fun, trying some different combos. And along the way, you’re going to earn Mercenaries packs, Mercenary coins… and unlock equipment.” There’s also no limit to the rewards you can earn each day. In the words of Game Director Ben Lee, the system has “no limits, no cut-offs.”

    “Everything is obtainable completely free-to-play.” – Nathan Lyons-Smith

    Importantly, while mercenaries do come in different rarities, the team wants players to have a wide collection. “One of the principles from very early on was – we want it to be pretty easy to get all of the mercenaries,” Lyons-Smith tells me. “Other games like this we play… some characters you just never get [because they’re] super rare. And we have a bunch of cool characters that we really want you to get your hands on, and so we’ve really indexed on availability to get your hands on those and play with them and have fun.”

    As you’d expect from a live service game, the team will add to Mercenaries over time. “We aspire to have a big mode update in each patch,” says Lyons-Smith of Hearthstone in general. “Sometimes that’s a card set, sometimes a mini-set, sometimes a big Battlegrounds update… and we’ll have a big Mercenaries update at some point as well. But in the interim, like Battlegrounds, we expect to add little bits of content with each patch, as much as possible. Little bits of content can be a few Mercenaries, maybe three, maybe five, maybe even a little bit more sometimes. And we’ll try and theme those similar to the other content going on in Hearthstone. So [for] upcoming stuff we’ll have corresponding characters also appearing in Mercenaries. I think that’s really cool. In addition to that, we plan to add more zones for players to go and complete and we’ll add more difficulty there, and eventually make it easy to level up your characters further than they currently can so that there’s more content and more progression for players who are continuing to enjoy the mode.”

    And in terms of expectations around balance updates? “I would describe our balance philosophy for PVP Hearthstone modes as ‘balance for fun’,” says Lyons-Smith. “Let’s make sure players are having fun, and so if something’s broken and everyone’s using it, that’s boring. That’s not fun. We’ll go change it. And certainly there are a bunch of levers [we can use]… there’s card text, there’s numbers, attack, health, speed. Speed is actually a pretty meaningful balance thing to change. So we’ll figure out the right changes. In general, we aspire to not have to make a lot of changes, but we’re going to make the right changes to make sure the mode is fun. And as you’ve seen over the last few years, we’re totally willing to go in and make changes to address any fun concerns.”

    If Mercenaries sounds intriguing (but also, no doubt, overwhelming), your best bet is to just jump into Hearthstone and check it out, as it’s live in the client right now. Plus, Mercenaries is very much meant to be a less imposing way to welcome brand new players to the Hearthstone ecosystem. “You don’t have to go build a deck. You don’t have to go find a deck. You don’t have to open cards to have a deck,” explains Nathan Lyons-Smith. “No, here’s eight Mercenaries at launch, here’s a bunch of packs, make whatever team you want. It’s gonna be cool.”

    Cam Shea has worked at IGN since the before times, has played – and covered – Hearthstone since alpha and loves him some Breath of the Wild. He’s barely on Twitter.

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    Hearth & Home – Valheim’s Long Voyage Through Early Access

    Valheim took the gaming world by storm when it hit early access in February this year. A complex survival game crafted by the (then) five-person strong Iron Gate Studio out of Sweden, the launch nabbed a 9/10 review and by March had more than one million players per team member.

    Seven months later, and it’s streaking back up the player count charts on Steam again thanks to the release of “Hearth and Home”, Valheim’s first major update. The content drop brings with it an array of changes for all facets of the game — new building possibilities, new items to find (particularly in the Mountains), new food to cook and more.

    For some, seven months is a long time to wait between drinks, though veterans of other survival games like Subnautica and The Forest will probably think nothing of it. And for Iron Gate Studio, it was a question of priorities.

    “Basically, the amount of people playing made it really important for us to fix a lot of bugs pretty immediately after launch,” says Henrik Tonqvist, co-founder of Iron Gate Studio. “No one anticipated that Valheim would become as popular as it did became pretty much right off our launch. So that was a pretty daunting task, making sure that everyone can play our game.”

    “I think we had internally said that we wanted to start working on Hearth and Home two weeks after the early access [launch] — that was the plan, at least,” adds Robin Eyre, Lead Artist at Iron Gate. “But I still think we did it the right way, because we need a good foundation to stand on. And we need people to be able to play the game, to not just push out content for a broken game. And even though we still have issues now I think it was the right choice. And also, it was like a blessing in disguise as well, because all the players that did come to the game allowed us to actually find all the [bugs] we didn’t find during beta.”

    Which is why, if you head back to the launch of Valheim, you’ll see the team had grand plans for what they’d put out before the end of 2021.

    “We had a roadmap at launch,” Henrik explains. “We had a lot of updates planned, but we made the decision to scrap that and just go with a more of a dynamic plan for the game. I mean, we obviously have the large picture planned out, with the new biomes and such, but we found out that having a roadmap wasn’t really tenable for us, since we develop the game in such a way that there’s always new stuff that we think about and we didn’t want to be shackled by [those things].”

    “And also, the thing is, I think [milestones on] the roadmap seemed a little bit bigger than they actually were meant to be,” Robin continues. “Like with ship customisation and the Cult of the Wolf that was on the roadmap, they sound bigger than they actually are. So it doesn’t mean that they’re out of the roadmap entirely, it’s just, when we have time we’re gonna push that stuff out in between the bigger content patches instead. Not try to hype it up or advertise it in a [major] way, just push it out to the people so they can test it and play with it.

    “Instead of where Mistlands is the next big thing that we’re working on, it wouldn’t make sense to push that out as a little small update, where you get one enemy one week, and then next week, you get another enemy. That doesn’t really make sense.”

    “We just want to do it in a more organic way,” Henrik says, finishing the thought.

    In a lot of ways, it’s as if Valheim is mimicking the general survival game experience. Developing Valheim, it seems, is a lot like playing Valheim, where you put together these grand plans, you set out on your mission and then you find yourself doing something wildly different along the way. And over time you will wind up completing your project, but those detours you took also add immensely to the experience.

    That experience has allowed the Iron Gate team to respond quickly to issues. Over the weekend, it quickly became apparent the new food system didn’t work as intended. Hearth and Home added a load of new recipes and rebalanced what food does for those eating it, categorising each meal into one of three areas; Health, Stamina, and both.

    Eating Health or Stamina food boosts its respective stat to a huge degree, while the third category of foods boost both, but less-so. It was coupled with a rebalancing of the combat in general, narrowing in on a more focused role-based system of fighting. Health players could focus on tanking while Stamina players could deal sustained damage — and because roles can be switched by simply eating a different meal, players aren’t railroaded into forever playing tank or DPS.

    It was tuned a little aggressively, however, and solo players in particular had a rough time with it — no longer able to wear damage they once had or engage in combat for as long, people who played alone found themselves struggling with content they’d previously dominated.

    Iron Gate responded quickly though, pushing out a balance patch before the weekend was over, adding health to Stamina foods, stamina to Health foods and a little of both to the in-between. Some people are still struggling, however.

    “Because of how the food system now works, we were a little bit worried that it might be too harsh on some people,” Robin explains. “Especially people who go into late game, who don’t start from the beginning again. If you just go in late game, when you’re at plains and so on, and you just eat some random food [you find there], you’re probably going to die.”

    “The balance patch… most people seem to be pretty pleased with it,” Henrik explains. “But that being said, we’re watching closely what people are saying all the time.”

    That’s the attitude that drives Iron Gate. The team pays close attention to what the community is saying, and it informs — not drives — how they continue to develop the game. It’s a constant balancing act. Items like the Cartography table, which lets players share their map with one another, and the Obliterator, which destroys items, so you no longer need to create a landfill when you can’t use something any longer — these were both suggestions from the community.

    But other things the fans have been crying out for remain absent. The inventory system, for example, is nail-bitingly restrictive. You’ve got limited space in your backpack, you’ve got an encumbrance system to deal with — inventory management is the real final boss of Valheim. Deciding what to bring and what to leave behind is sometimes as important to your success as eating the right food, or not aggroing that Lox with a murderous gleam in its eye.

    But the inventory system is all part of that same balancing act — managing what the players want against the game Iron Gate wants to make.

    “So basically, when playing a survival game, I think one of the big choices you make is what do you take and what do you leave behind?” Robin says. “So if you ask me, I would struggle a little bit to try to give more inventory space because I think that the choices you make make it more interesting. But obviously there is a limit somewhere. And when we feel that we have reached that limit at Iron Gate, I think a lot of players will have already reached that limit. But when we reach that limit, maybe we can have another look at it.”

    “This is a prime example of one of the issues where what we want from Valheim and what our fans want is something we have to handle,” Henrik adds, chuckling. “Let’s not fool ourselves, it’s obvious that people want more inventory space. And it’s something we’re discussing.”

    My pitch? With Hearth and Home you can put saddles on your tame Loxen — why not saddlebags too? Then you can load your giant wooly bison onto a ship, and sail across the ocean with those bags filled to the brim — only to have a sea serpent show up, destroy the boat and send everything you ever owned to the bottom of the ocean.

    “Perfect,” Robin says.

    “No comment,” adds Henrik.

    From here, Iron Gate charts its path towards Mistlands — a brand new biome, with all new elements to explore. They’re keeping details close to their chest, but what we do know is that it will give players more of what they love about Valheim while remaining true to the Swedish team’s grand viking vision.

    Joab Gilroy is an Australian freelancer that specialises in competitive online games. You can tweet at him here.

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