Aussie Deals: Lit Deals for Hot Wheels, Ride 4, 80% Off Worms, and More!

In order to understand today's picks, a quick news wrap up is required. First of all, apparently Ride 4 running on PS5 in first-person mode is sheer, photo-realistic terror. Also, Hot Wheels Unleashed is out and has proven to be quite a sleeper hit arcade racing experience (9/10 review here). I've tracked down the best prices for both of those, along with a bunch of eyebrow-raising peripherals deals. They're all waiting below!

Notable Sales for Nintendo Switch

Purchase Cheaply for PC

Exciting Offers for XO/XS

Product Savings for PS4/PS5

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Adam's an Aussie deals wrangler who loves HW: Unleashed but was more of a Micro Machines kid. Don't @ him @Grizwords.

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