Past, Present and Future...
Edited by Randy Johnston ,
When I first sat down to review this old page I thought it would take a few seconds, but then discovered a lot more had happened since it was first written. So even though it’s the short version, I think it gives a visitor the sense of the time, people and of course.. History involved in this once proud Domain and website. This page file name; great_hall.html and the DG logos are remnants of the original 1995 website.
The Past: Discount Games was originally started as an
offshoot of The Gamers Inn, located in Troy, Michigan way back in '95.
The co-founders Joe Durham and Chuck Moss were partners in an
established bricks and mortar retail business selling games such as
Warhammer, Dungeons and Dragons, and all of the various accessories
that went along with these games. Chuck and Joe worked very hard to
build up both businesses, and both became successful.
The online business, Discount Games Company, grew beyond their expectations. So much so, that they needed to hire additional people specifically for the Internet business. The site became so popular that It was featured by Jaclyn Easton, columnist and author of Profiles of 23 incredibly Successful Websites You've Probably Never Heard Of. It was linked to by over 20,000 other websites and even after being closed nearly a year, received thousands of visitors a week.
So what happened? Well, unfortunately more sales doesn't always mean "more money," so when the ISP raised their rate by 1000%, it forced them to change providers. This started the downward spiral. Out of respect for a good friend and to avoid other possible entanglements, we will not elaborate on the problems that ensued. It is suffice to say that it was not the site's popularity that caused it to close.
Enter VR Metro Malls ( a website development and promotions company. Joe was a friend of mine and I knew about the Discount Games website. By 1996 was already successful and although the site was linked through VR Metro's virtual mall, it was not responsible for development or hosting of the Discount Games website. It came as a great surprise when Joe called me to inform him that the site was closed.
After nearly six months of being closed and seeing that the site was not re-opened, and knowing that it was a terrible waste, I contacted Robin, a manager and video game buyer for a successful video movie and game distributor. We had worked together in the early 1990's along with several other key people, starting, growing and eventually selling a game distribution company. Robin stuck with the games and still is very successful in that area. Robin was intrigued by the idea and presented it to her then employer who also became enthralled with the idea.
A New Venture: Discount Internet Games, L.L.C. was formed and after about 6 months and $60,000 they had their website and new business. Sales grew and the site did well but the ownership changes and the business behind the website changed. Eventually the site was abandoned and the domain ownership fell back into the hands of VR Metro and crew.
Today we run as a hobby. Steve one of VR Metro's talented nerds is a gamer and cartoonist. We try out new features and post interesting information for Gamers when we can.
The Future: Vacations on Mars, undersea cities, people that live to be 200 years old and of course Discount Games. Who really knows where Discount Games will end up. It could very well rise to new heights when some eager entrenprenur gets an itch to make it rich. No doubt its possible. If your interested just give us a call! --- 734.729.7082