Free Guy Director Wants To Put Ryan Reynolds in Minecraft and Call of Duty for a Sequel

Free Guy, the upcoming comedy starring Ryan Reynolds, won't hit theatres until August 13, but that hasn't stopped director Shawn Levy from coming up with plans for the movie's sequel, which he hopes could include Minecraft and Call of Duty.

Speaking to Gamespot, Levy spoke about the potential future storylines that Reynolds' NPC lead character could step into following his first outing. The Canadian director had a few different ideas in mind for Guy (that's Reynolds' character) if he were to return for Free Guy 2.

"I'd love to see him in Call of Duty," said Levy. "I feel like the possibilities, comedic and otherwise, both in terms of comedy and action, are kind of endless. It's very juicy to think about." He also admitted he'd be keen to see the NPC lead feature in a Minecraft crossover. "I'd be lying if I didn't admit that we have started brainstorming about some of those possibilities," he said.

Whilst the thought of Reynolds' character dropping into the warzone certainly sounds like it could be amusing, we don't think he'd stand much of a chance if Captain Price got his hands on him. In actuality, perhaps Minecraft would be a better fit for the bank-teller-turned hero… that is, if he is able to survive the first night!

Elsewhere in the interview, Levy delved further into his hopes for a potential sequel, explaining that it would be exciting to see the character experience the different world-building aspects so prevalent in video games culture.

"You and I know the range of world creation, it runs the gamut in the world of video games and video game culture. So I would love to see him, maybe even jump from one to the next to the next." Levy said. With world-hopping in mind, maybe the director should check out Insomniac's latest entry into the Ratchet and Clank universe for inspiration – though a Gadgetron Rift Inducer could be a recipe for disaster in naïve hands.

With the future of Free Guy still uncertain, Levy was quick to reign in his future plot fantasies, "I'm not counting any chickens yet. We need people to show up and we need people to actually make Free Guy a hit," he said.

In other recent Free Guy news, Ryan Reynolds' recently shared a trailer for Free Guy which features a nod to another of his beloved characters, Deadpool. In true Deadpool style, the trailer breaks the blurs the lines between acting and marketing as it features a very swole Reynolds discussing his 'life' as an actor, the role of DUDE in the film, and how he can't fit into the Deadpool suit anymore – spoiler alert, it's all a bit weird. Make sure to check out our review of Free Guy for our thoughts on the film.

Jared Moore is a freelance writer for IGN. You can follow him on Twitter.

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