Author Archives: Amelia Zollner

  • Sucker Punch: ‘No Plans’ to Revisit InFamous or Sly Cooper Series Right Now

    As Sucker Punch continues work on a new IP, the studio won’t be revisiting InFamous or Sly Cooper with new entries in the near future. Continue reading

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    Skate 4: New Trailer Revealed, EA Asking for Playtesters

    Today, the team behind Skate 4 released a new trailer for the game, showing players what the development process is like and announcing a new closed playtest. Continue reading

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    Chunks Of Half-Life 2 Are Hidden Inside Portal on Switch ⁠— And Hackers Are Getting Them Working

    Chunks of Half-Life 2 are hidden within the files of Portal: Companion Collection, and hackers have already reconstructed Half-Life 2 using Portal. Continue reading

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