Aussie Deals: An InFAMOUS freebie, 20% off a Pokémon Dual Pack, Reduced Ragnarok and More!

Before we dive into the deals, let's get the PSfolk sorted with a freebie. For whatever reason, Sucker Punch is now giving away a DLC for InFAMOUS: Second Son that was an exclusive preorder acquire. Add it to your library. Maybe never even play it. It's nice to know it's there anyway. Oh, and while we're on the topic: you PC faithful had best nab The Dragon's Trap for nada as well. As remasterings go, boy is it a wonder.

Notable Sales for Nintendo Switch

Purchase Cheaply for PC

Exciting Offers for XO/XS

Product Savings for PS4/PS5

Legit Discounts for LEGO

Adam Mathew is our Aussie deals wrangler. He's @grizwords and games on YouTube.

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