Practice Your Ninja Skills With a Practice Ninja Sword

There is nothing cooler, in the history of the planet Earth, than a ninja. Please don't try to argue with me about this, because you will end up looking foolish. In fact, over 100% of people ever born agree: ninja are amazing. Stealthy and (reportedly) imbued with the power of flight, there could very well be a ninja hiding, or floating, behind you right now and you would never know it until it was too late.

What's stopping you from training to be a ninja? If you answered "the high cost of quality ninja practice weapons," today is the day you take your first toe-booted step into the mysterious world of the Shinobi. Amazon is having a sale on a bunch of polypropolene swords and other assorted martial arts gear to help you achieve your dreams of shadowy ninjitsu rooftop sword fights.

Cosplay and Practice Sword Deals

If you start your ninja path with one of these deals, please remember you may have to turn your back on the comfortable life you're living now. If anyone asks, you will be sworn to only respond to them in ellipses, or by disappearing in a puff of smoke. Just keep that in mind, because once you start down the ninja path, there's no turning back.

Seth Macy is Executive Editor, IGN Commerce, and just wants to be your friend. You can find him hosting the Nintendo Voice Chat podcast.

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