Hideo Kojima Seems to Be Teasing the New Matrix Movie

Legendary game designer Hideo Kojima seems to be teasing the new Matrix movie on Twitter, but it's not entirely clear why.

18 years have passed since the release of Matrix Revolutions, the series' last installment. However, with the franchise set to revive itself with the release of The Matrix Resurrections in theatres and on HBO Max this December 22, fans are currently scouring the internet for new content about the film.

Kojima himself seems to have stepped away from the world of games for a moment to answer their call by teasing the movie in a tweet featuring the Warner Bros Pictures What Is the Matrix website. Alongside thematrix.com, both sites have recently been updated with video loops that show the franchise's iconic green code animating vertically down the screen.

As you might have guessed, fans have already begin speculating as to whether Kojima has something to do with the new Matrix film, or if a tie-in game might be in the offing. It seems more likely that he's simply acting as an 'influencer' in this instance, or is just an interested fan like the rest of us – but there is still the mystery of why the website has been changed now.

Until recently, WhatIsTheMatrix.com looked rather different. As Reddit user Lego_496 shared in an r/matrix thread, the promotional website (which has been used on and off since the marketing for the original Matrix movie) featured advertisements and links to Blu-Ray copies for previously released films from the franchise.

Many fans will be hoping that the change to both websites has come as part of a promotional campaign that launches the film's first official trailer. Following an earlier leak, behind-closed-doors footage of The Matrix Resurrections was shown at CinemaCon, and officially revealed the film's title, but we've seen nothing publicly since.

Guests at the event were reportedly shown details about returning cast members and previewed action shots featuring some signature style Matrix action. Despite growing anticipation from fans, Warner Bros decided at the time not to make the footage shown off at CinemaCon available to the public. You can find a range of the details reportedly shown off at the event in the short video below:

In other Matrix 4 news, IGN recently reported on details surrounding why Lilly Wachowski, the co-director of the original Matrix trilogy, decided against returning to the franchise to helm its newest entry. Wachowski explained that she found the idea of "going backwards" in her career "expressly unappealing" and noted that she struggled to find the motivation to return to the franchise following some major shifts in her personal life.

For more information on The Matrix Resurrections, make sure to check out our dedicated page for the film where you'll find a range of clips and news from across the title.

Jared Moore is a freelance writer for IGN who often wishes he could stop objects in mid-air. You can follow him on Twitter.

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