Aussie Father’s Day Gift Guide 2021: 30 Best Gift Ideas

Father’s Day is just around the corner (Sunday 5th September), which means it's time to spoil your dad with something special. Being the target audience myself (father of two), I've put together a selection of cool stuff: gaming and gadgets, to suit a range of budgets. Expect this list to be a bit more eclectic than usual. The only thing these gifts have in common is that they are guaranteed to put a smile on any dad's face.

Oculus Quest 2 VR Headset

Don't take this the wrong way or anything, but your dad sometimes wants to exist in another reality where you don't feature. Short of contacting Doctor Strange to do a cosmic-level quick-edit, he can achieve his blessed escape via an Oculus Quest 2. We reckon it's "9/10 Amazing" quality. He will too.

LEGO That's (Old) Age Appropriate

Some dads out there (not many in this day and age, thankfully) are operating on the antiquated notion that LEGO is for kids. The trick here is to not buy Duplo. You can watch dad's dour face light up when you deliver him a particular set that triggers some nostalgia. It could be themed on a movie franchise, TV show or be a decoration set. Better yet, pitch it to him as a "project we can both share," then keep the finished build yourself.

Ancestry and Health Testing Kit

Help your dad to trace his family tree and find out more about his genetic background with this easy-to-use testing kit. According to AncestryDNA, it's incredibly accurate and it's all done using a simple mouth swab. I did this last year with my old man. Turns out he's half drunk.

Read the product review on PCMag here, where it gained 4/5 due its easy-to-understand results, lots of help resources and free shipping.

Gift Cards, Credit and Subscriptions

Let's be real for a second. The fact of the matter is you probably don't know what your Old Cheese wants—not exactly, anyway. He sure does. That being said, a digital subscription or a bit o' prepaid plastic is the classier/more hygienic alternative than just slappin' a germ-soaked fiddy in a Hallmark card.

PS Plus Credit

Xbox Live Credit

TV Subscriptions

Anda Seat

Why get your dad an Anda Seat brand of gaming chair? Two reasons. One: their range is well-built, good-looking, and competitively priced. Two: the name of this manufacturer gives even the most dim-witted father a free pun layup. "Oh, thanks [your name] you bought me socks…..ANDA seat!" Cuh-lassic.

Socks 'n' Karma

Socks are kinda boring, but they're also an eye-rolling Father's Day tradition, yeah? Here's something new, though—with UpMovement's socks, you can troll your Papa and also achieve some greater good. Profits from these comfy, stylish footwear go towards helping amputees around the world restore their freedom of human mobility. Give your dad the gift of knowing he raised a decent human being.

Ring 4 Doorbell

Take it straight from the source—your old bloke hates having to get up and answer the door. That's a footy / cricket / gaming interruptin'; that's an angry dad. With the Ring 4 and his preferred device, he can quickly see who's there and—if it's not a mate bearing a slab—he can dismiss the interloper with a pre-made Quick Reply. "Get off my lawn," most likely.

Arcade Gaming Nostalgia

Bring back dad's crusty childhood memories with one of these Arcade1Up cabinets, some of which offer multiple built-in games.

A Beard to be Feared

Got a fuzzier father than most? Amaze his follicles with this natural, organic, vegan, Beard Conditioning Oil. Better yet, he'll smell like "Woodland Harmony", the most Ron Swansonesque fragrance I've ever heard of.

Wireless Noise Cancelling Headphones

Your dad loves you to the moon and back, but sweet, merciful crap he's sick of listening to you. Sony's top-tier WF-1000XM4s will provide him blessed relief, thanks to the industry’s highest level of noise cancelling along with superior sound quality.

Get Him Some 'Stories'

While my oculars still function ok, I know that my dad's aren't the best for reading. That being said, I've found great success with keeping him in books by way of Audible's (frankly amazing) library of spoken literature. Downside: I now have to listen to his borrowed trivia about tall wooden ships and WWII.

Upgrade His Console

Does your patriarch favour outmoded consoles? Retro consoles are always money, but it could still be time to broaden his horizons by dragging him kicking and screaming into the current gen…

Improve His 'Idiot Box'

So, you've modernised your father's gaming platform of choice. Great! Now it's time to blow his mind with an LG C1. It's a HDMI 2.1 enabled, OLED beast that unleashes the true visual potential of new-gen gaming hardware. He doesn't even need to game on it, either. Just have it constantly displaying neon cherry blossom trees. It's not that weird.

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