Have you gone through all the Wizard of the Coast’s DnD settings? You should try some 3rd Party DnD Campaigns at your table!
Dungeon & Dragons is an amazing game that allows players to explore different worlds and stories. However, what happens when you use all the DnD settings that Wizard of the Coast made? A lot of tables homebrew their own stories and worlds but setting up those stories can be long. Fortunately, there are plenty of creative people who have written and published their campaign settings! Here are some campaign settings you can use to explore different worlds outside of the Forgotten Realms.
Fool’s Gold: Into the Bellowing Wilds
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This is the perfect campaign for Dungeon Masters and players who want to wild and chaotic Indian Jonas adventure. Based on a Youtube series by Dingo Doodles, the campaign takes you into the Bellowing Wilds, the world’s most dangerous jungle. Journey through the jungle as you uncover the mystery of the ancient Foreclaimer empire as players encounter powerful and dangerous foes like a duck in a wizard hat!
This campaign setting provides a variety of new character creation options, including 4 new races and 10 new subclasses. Each party of the adventure is crazier and funnier than the last, so we highly recommend playing!
Obojima: Tales from the Tall Grass
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While the book has not been delivered yet, people who order the PDF can tell you that this campaign is different from the Forgotten Realms. Set on the island of Obojima, people will be a treated to world that is heavily inspired by Studio Ghibli and Breath of the Wild.
The island of Obojima is a place where only the material and spirit realm exists; creating an environment that is distinct from the Forgotten Realms. The island is covered in 1980s technology that comes from the First Age, allowing a blend of retro technology and fantasy themes. The world offers unique character creation options as players explore the world and find out about the Corruption that is spreading throughout Obojima.